Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year's Resolution Worth Doing

While you're making your list of New Year's Resolutions this year consider doing this one that the group at Move Your Money has suggested. And check out this great article (and over 2500 comments) at the Huffington Post about how this movement to move our money out of the "Too Big To Fail" banks came about.

Pass this information on to your family and friends. Make it go VIRAL so we can begin to take our country back from the moneyed interests and their various protectors in Washington who are using our money to run her into the ground.

Join the Sea Change

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Bob Schieffer Advocates Prosecution for WH "Party Crashers" Does Not Advocate Prosecution For War Crimes

Man with his head on backwards

This morning while we drank our morning coffee we watched the CBS Morning Show. During the show we heard this incredible comment from Bob Schieffer:

Evidently Mr. Schieffer is all for prosecuting people when they crash WH State Dinners but I never heard him utter a word about the need to prosecute government officials for war crimes. I could find no video of Mr. Schieffer calling for prosecutions for those government officials involved in planning, carrying out and protecting the Bush torture program. The closest I could come was this video of Schieffer interviewing Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont about his call to investigate the torture program. From the sound of the interview with Senator Leahy it appears to me that Mr. Schieffer is not only not interested in prosecuting torture (he didn't even ask about it) but he even appeared to be uninterested, some might say hostile, to even investigating the torture program.

"Is there anything else to know here?" - Bob Schieffer

While Mr. Schieffer was uninterested at best in investigating or prosecuting those government officials who deliberately broke our laws and treaties during the Bush presidency he got himself all worked up about the Salahi's "horrible crime"

"I think the government ought to prosecute these people," Schieffer said today on theCBS Early Show. "If that means sending them to jail, so be it."

"State dinners are part of the symbols of our democracy, like the White House itself, like the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem," he said. "And when people are making fun of those things, when they're doing what these people did, that's an insult to all of us. And if these people go to jail, that will be just fine with me."

Here's what I posted at the CBS website tonight:

by pmorlan December 4, 2009 7:33 PM EST
Where is the video of Mr. Schieffer calling for prosecution of government officials for committing war crimes? I guess in Mr. Schieffer's insulated beltway world the more serious crime is crashing a party and having your photo taken with dignitaries, not the deliberate creation of an illegal government program where we tortured and killed people in our custody.

What kind of perverted thought process would allow someone to think that what the gate crashing Salahi's did was an insult to all of us but the creation of an officially sanctioned government program of torture was not?

If Mr. Schieffer really wants to talk about insulting the symbols of our democracy he need look no further than his own profession. Every day that passes where our establishment media stands by and allows government officials to cover up the crimes of previous government officials without being challenged is an insult to our democracy. Equal justice under law is meaningless if we allow government officials to break our laws and treaties with no accountability whatsoever.